Monday, April 25, 2016

A Second Wind

Whether it was while running a marathon, working strenuously in our yards, engaging in a lengthy planning process or leading a team through an intense project; most of us have experienced the phenomenon known as the, "Second Wind."  Science is inconclusive as to why this occurs.  Some say it is our bodies striking a more precise oxygen balance, others attribute it to the release of endorphins, while others suggest it is simply psychological.  No matter the source, we all have likely experienced the energizing effects of a second wind.

That is the key point for me today: 

A Second Wind Energizes Us for Success.

However, rather than point to something that occurs within us, I want to emphasize the second wind that happens around us.  Specifically, the energizing, hope-renewing, effort-enhancing effects of a strong team of second level leaders.

Most of my professional career, from manufacturing to IT to non-profit,  has been leading from the second level position.  I have had the honor of serving some great leaders in my various positions.  Now, as CEO of our growing organization, I highly value the role that second level leaders play in our success. 

Those who are tasked with carrying out the mission of an organization and are directly connected to the vision and heart of leadership are some of the greatest assets we have.  These second level leaders are your link to a second wind.

I know for me, our team is a breath of fresh air.  Their passion, skill and buy-in energized me when I am feeling tapped out.  They breathe life into our vision and bring renewed energy to our teams. There are four key things that happen when we get a second wind.  

We experience renewed commitment to the goal.

Our endurance gets a boost.

Our outlook shifts to a hope-filled positivity. 

We find a deeper willingness to push past any pain.

These key attributes of loyalty, endurance, positivity and willingness are critical in second level leadership.  They are the true source of the second wind.  Leaders that exude these qualities are going to give your organization the strength for the final push toward the finish line.

So when a leader shows loyalty, recognize it.  When they demonstrate endurance, celebrate it.  When they spread positivity, draw attention to it and when they summon willingness, appreciate it.  Actively and purposefully cultivating these characteristics in the leaders you lead will give you the kick you need to power through to success.  

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